Alocasia Chantrieri

If you're looking for a standout plant to add to your collection, look no further than the alocasia chantrieri. This rare and beautiful plant is sure to turn heads with its unique appearance.

Pain Points

One of the pain points associated with the alocasia chantrieri is its rarity. Because it is so difficult to find, it can be expensive to purchase. Additionally, this plant requires a specific environment to thrive, so it can be challenging to care for.


The target of the alocasia chantrieri is anyone looking for a unique and eye-catching plant to add to their collection. This plant is sure to add intrigue and interest to any space it's placed in.


In summary, the alocasia chantrieri is a rare and beautiful plant that can be challenging to care for. However, for those willing to take on the challenge, it is sure to add a unique and stunning touch to any collection. Its rarity and specific needs make it a highly sought-after plant in the world of indoor gardening.

Personal Experience

I was thrilled when I finally got my hands on an alocasia chantrieri. Its large, glossy leaves and unique shape make it a standout in my collection. However, I quickly learned that caring for this plant was not easy. It requires high humidity and consistent moisture, which can be challenging to provide in a home environment. Despite the difficulties, I am grateful to have this beautiful plant in my collection.

Alocasia Chantrieri in 4 Pot


The alocasia chantrieri is known for its large, glossy leaves that grow in an upright shape. These leaves are heart-shaped and can grow up to two feet long. The plant itself can grow up to four feet tall and is native to Asia. It requires a warm, humid environment to thrive, so it's important to keep it in a location that provides ample moisture.

Rare Alocasia Chantrieri in 4in with Large Shiny Leaves

Care Tips

To care for your alocasia chantrieri, it's important to keep it in a location that provides ample humidity and moisture. This can be achieved with a humidifier or by placing the plant in a tray of water. It also needs bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Be sure to keep an eye on the moisture level and water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry.


The alocasia chantrieri can be propagated by division. Simply remove a section of the plant and plant it in a pot with well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist and provide ample humidity to help the plant establish itself.


Q: Is the alocasia chantrieri safe for pets?

A: No, the alocasia chantrieri is toxic to pets and humans if ingested.

Q: How often should I water my alocasia chantrieri?

A: Water your alocasia chantrieri when the top inch of soil feels dry. Be sure not to over-water, as this can lead to root rot.

Q: Why is my alocasia chantrieri turning yellow?

A: Yellowing leaves can be a sign of over-watering or under-watering. Be sure to check the moisture level in the soil and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Q: Why is my alocasia chantrieri not growing well?

A: The alocasia chantrieri requires high humidity and consistent moisture to thrive. If it's not growing well, it may not be getting enough moisture. Try increasing the humidity in the environment and adjusting your watering schedule.


The alocasia chantrieri is a rare and beautiful plant that can be a challenge to care for, but is well worth the effort. Its unique appearance and specific care requirements make it a highly sought-after plant for indoor gardeners. With proper care and attention, this plant is sure to thrive and add intrigue to any collection.


Alocasia Chantrieri In 4 Pot - Etsy

Alocasia Chantrieri in 4 Pot - Etsy
Photo Credit by: / alocasia chantrieri

Alocasia Chantrieri 1st Time Offering In The USA | Etsy

Alocasia chantrieri 1st time offering in the USA | Etsy
Photo Credit by: / chantrieri alocasia

Alocasia Chantrieri In 4 Pot | Etsy

Alocasia Chantrieri in 4 pot | Etsy
Photo Credit by: / alocasia chantrieri

Alocasia X ‘Chantrieri’ | EdenCPs

Alocasia x ‘Chantrieri’ | EdenCPs
Photo Credit by: / chantrieri alocasia edencps

Rare Alocasia Chantrieri In 4in With Large Shiny Leaves And | Etsy

Rare Alocasia Chantrieri in 4in with Large Shiny Leaves and | Etsy
Photo Credit by: / alocasia chantrieri

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